Wednesday 31 August 2016

Its been a long time.......

So after leaving the west coast early 2014 and relocating back to the central belt of Scotland the last 2 years of working and operating in the outdoor industry have been amazing. Escaping the Fort William bubble was a must although I work more in the area now than I did living there but the time spent learning the local custom was not all a waste. Making good connections and networking with so many people I still call friends, colleagues and associates through work, climbing and the mountains.

I am lucky enough to say I now work at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA) on a part time permanent contract and have done since April 2015. This has me based in central Scotland while operating all over the UK working as a freelancer for a large and varied number of companies, providers, schools and local authorities delivering a wide range of activities and outdoor education. I am still on the path to making this a career......

So the blogging will begin again.....

The best way to catch up on the last 2 years is to check out;


Also these highlights of the seasons work give a pictured insight into what exactly I was doing for work and fun each year.

2016 - coming soon.



2015 -
2014 -