Friday 28 February 2014

Re-discovering old hobbies and past times along with mountain and climbing work.

I have been trying my hand and art lately and found a real enjoyment while doing so, this maybe due to the brilliant people of Room 13 who have triggered this. Unsurprising it has been all very climbing,mountain and outdoor based so far, I actually liked art at school a long time ago but never really liked the idea of drawing or painting plants or apples along with the 20 or so others in the class. But I've definitely had a push towards doing more so will see how it goes from here. Another random occurrence has been getting behind a drum kit again and I now face the prospect of playing a gig on Saturday for the first time in about 8 years.........hmmmmmmm.

 3 Pieces of Art I have done in the last 2 days


The standard routine of working and climbing has still been going on while I have been expressing myself or whatever art folks call it.

Tuesday I spent the day at Outward Bound Loch Eil having an induction/interview for any potential freelance work that may or may not be available.

Thursday evening I re-introduced and refreshed Richard and Sarah to climbing indoors and had great fun in doing so.

Today I was working for Lochaber Guides. I met Julia at 1030 off a Bus from Glasgow into which she had flown from the USA on Tuesday evening. We went for a very sociable, chatty and informative walk up the Allt a Mhullin from the North face car park to the CIC hut. We had the wind in our face and the rain at our backs in the distance on the way up to the hut but this seemed to invigorate the day and keep the conversation flowing. We made it to the hut in good time where we enjoyed some good views of Coire na Ciste. We mastered the art of people watching in the mountains while enjoying a snack out of the wind. Teams doing winter skills, avalanche awareness and also making good progress up routes on Douglas boulder. After our alfresco scene that wouldn't of seemed out of place apart from the increasing winds and heavy wet snow fall that was saturating jackets,gloves and everything possible. We made for a leisurely stroll full face into the weather back down the way we came. A very real challenge for Julia today but she took it all in her stride with a smile on her face at all times and always wanting to learn, ask questions and listen which made for a good walk.
Reached our objective

Smiles all round.

Typically Scottish

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