Thursday 7 November 2013

Psyche washed off.....

Today was suppose to be first day out in Scottish winter for me today. I didn't even make it out of the car park this morning.

After an early start that saw me spend an 1.5 hours at the pool this morning in a new found role as a mentor and coach for an individual who has potential to compete in the commonwealth games, not 2014 on home soil sadly but 2018 if keeps up the good work.

I drove up to Torlundy with the thought of doing CMD, the arete and up onto Ben Nevis. The drive would have been easier in a rib or any other floating motorised vehicle but still I drove on. Thoughts of snow under foot had me dreaming and I wasn't really taking in what was actually going on outside. The rain was incessant, my wipers were on epileptic and my music was loud! When I pulled in to the north face car park and turned the engine an music of I belted out the final words to the song that was just on..................
Then I realised it was proper grim outside, like the kinda day that as soon as you get out the car some one chucks a bucket of water over you and that's that. I sat in the car in turmoil, thoughts of what to do, can I be arsed, is it worth it, what else, where else, where's the psyche gone. After what was a rather long time I did get out the car and started to waterproof up, with the voices arguing, "its not that bad, you'll enjoy it when you get going" and the likes, I got my boots on, and even one gaiter, by this time I'd had at least 4 or 5 buckets of water over my head and I still had some faffing to do. "SOD This" I jumped back in the car and gave up, the over powering voices of laziness and de-motivating attitude had won. Plus it really was grim this morning, still is as I write this.

The day was not lost though!! I went to the gym where I put my body through its paces for punishment and even had a swim.

The idea of getting soaked and blown all over the place up there today really wasn't inspiring, attractive or motivating for first day of winter.

Need some good psyche vibes sent my way of a foot of motivation up my arse. You decide!


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