Friday 30 November 2012

Lads on Ledge!

Yesterday there was an en mass ascent of Ledge route on the north face of Ben Nevis by Conor,Joe,Rich and myself. The day started ridiculously early 0545 alarm, due to Conor needing to be at work for 1700hrs. We left the north face car park at 0625hrs and blasted up the Allt a Mhuilinn path to Coire na ciste in 1 hour 40mins. The walk up is breath taking but will get easier as the season goes on, though it would be nice to get a key at least for some days. Aye right!!   When up in the Ciste we met a few familiar faces all heading for different routes. We stopped to gear up at a large boulder about 75m below and to the right of No.5 gully.

Approaching No.5 gully, geared up next to obvious large boulder

Every time I go up to the North Face of Ben Nevis in summer or winter I am spell bound by its size and dominance of you as a speck of life. But as intimidating as it is, the magical, mystical, tempting and inviting sensations are a draw  and to much not to go. I like to think of the history of the place and all the greats who have stomped,hauled,scratched or delicately picked their way up routes as well as the personal experience I am having or about to have. 

Coire na Ciste

Ledge route is another route I have been up in summer conditions and again a winter ascent was going to happen, and so it did yesterday with Conor, Joe and Rich. It was a cracking day with good company. Conor and Joe climbed as a pair ahead of Rich and myself. The route is a Scottish winter grade II and was well worth it, from the first belay laughter and good craic was had all the way up. It was a easy pace on route, with learning points to be had at times of interest. A good confidence boost for myself and a proper intro to Scottish winter and Ben Nevis for Rich. No real difficulties on ledge unless you chose a different line for a bit of interest. Which Joe decided to do and it was good, maybe a 10m pitch of IV,5?? fun but made me think about my personal skills and ability in a situation that may not have been suitable. A bit squaffing about and hauling up it and we were on top of the world. We moved together instead of pitching the last 200m and topped out at 1323hrs into a snow flurries and sunshine. Great day after which I was to knakered to write this up after or do anything.

Hilarity at the 1st belay

Spot Rich

Topping out, the boys are marching on!



  1. Not 10m and definitely not IV,5. You just needed to man up!

  2. I had 10m of rope out, between Rich and myself. So that = 10m
